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Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Whole30 - Naturopathic Style

My guy and I are doing the Whole30.  Hurrah!

Let me start with a disclaimer: I give full, gleaming credit to the authors Melissa and Dallas Hartwig. I'm talking about their program as outlined in the book It Starts With FoodWe will be doing the Whole30 according to their specific plan but with a naturopathic twist because that is how we do everything.  We are NOT altering their program and I do not suggest it needs changing.  We're just incorporating naturopathic approaches to wellness because it's how our house runs.
The Whole30 is a 30-day nutritional reset in which one eats only vegetables, fruits, meat, nuts, and healthy oils.  Here are the no-no's:
· No grains. None at all; not quinoa or rice or anything ancient or sprouted or otherwise supposedly better than wheat.
· No Sugar - real, fake, organic, plant-based or otherwise.   None.
· No Dairy
· No legumes (no beans or peanuts or soy).
· No corn, which is usually treated as a grain in America anyhow.  It's just not veg.  Also no white potatoes.
· No eating between three meals a day unless necessary due to physical activity.

Please see their site for details and specifics, particularly if you have any health conditions like diabetes. Remember folks, I am not a doctor or health professional of any kind! I'm a blogger.
Get your advice from a pro, get your naturopathic entertainment from me.

This plan is similar to my ND's program minus Biocleanse Plus (yum), minus beans, plus coffee... hurrah for the javahhh!

I like the idea of a reset.   A detox program is attractive, but I get very annoyed by the judge-y looks I get when I use the word "detox".  Hello! I'm not dumb enough to think that cayenne pepper and maple syrup comprise a healthy way to support my body after a period of poor diet or stress (uh...Christmas anyone?)Nutritional reset shuts up the judges.  It also feels more accurate.  By the by, I like "cleanse" too but people still get all frowny-faced.
Our naturopathic twist will include the castor oil packs, dry skin brushing, and treatment plans from our ND (woot woot Dr. Alicia Birr) that are already in place for the month.  We'll take a closer look at our environmental factors.  For instance I'm setting aside any lotion or potion that contains soy ( in the sneaky form of vitamin E ingredients); instead I'll use plain coconut oil for the month.  I am also going to see if my husband will give up his petroleum pillow (Tempurpedic).   We're already pretty environmentally conscious; all our cleaners and products are homemade, organic, or flat out natural (really natural, not marketing/advertising "Natural").   We keep fake fragrances out of the house & NEVER put plastic in the dishwasher or microwave it.   That kinda stuff.

Why the Whole30?
I've fallen off the Wellness Wagon since Christmas.   Obviously I still struggle intermittently with sugar, and when I'm in the throes...oy yoy yoy.   The symptoms sneak back in - even those my ND had previously eliminated.  I'm ridiculous.  The severity is never as bad as before my first days as a naturopathic patient, but guess what everyone?  Junk food makes you feel like crap.
My husband is also much healthier since working with an ND.   Part of his issue is 100% compliance with the treatment plans.  He can't bring himself to do castor oil packs, or drink apple cider vinegar for example.  Ultimately, his symptoms get progressively better but never disappear and it's hard to know exactly why since he's not quite as diligent as he might be.

We're hoping the Whole30 will trash the symptoms along with the habits that keep them around.   Also, after being a Naturopathic patient for a few years, I've come to know that switching things up with new approaches & new frameworks reinvigorates you!   It's a great way to get motivated again.   For reals.

And...I am really good at compliance when something is strict, finite and has potential for good results.  The Man is really good at following rules.  I'm thinking this is going to work!   (I bet our ND ends up being stricter with us going forward.  lol.)

Time passes no matter what; we may as well do something productive with it.

My husband has never done a cleanse/detox/reset of any kind.  He's eliminated specific foods one at a time for a few months to test their effect on his skin issues, but he's never done it all at once.  The reason we always did things piecemeal (harhar) is because he is both thin and very active; lots of meal options and ease have always been important.   Translation: grains fill a guy up with very little effort.   However, since his skin issues are so stubborn, he's now ready to give this a try.   I'm so glad to have him as a partner in this!

My big three are breast pain, allergies, and anxiety
The Man's big three are skin issues, sinus issues, & circulation issues
Next post on the Whole30?   A full list of our symptoms and complaints.   This way we'll be able to track how the Whole30 helps us . You can compare our progress to your own situation - and try it too! START NOW!   (That's what Melissa and Dallas recommend. Why wait?)
Stay tuned for our Whole30 Story....naturopathic style.
(Ha.  One of my favorite songs just came on as I'm finishing this up.  "Cornflake girl" by Tori Amos.  Good thing I "never was a cornflake girl" either - cuz they ain't allowed on the Whole30.)

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